How to Quit Drinking without Alcoholics Anonymous: Self-Help

getting sober without aa

Learn more about our approach, or schedule a free consultation with us today. Either way, if you find yourself avoiding AA because you don’t want to quit drinking completely, this is a good solution to look into—and there are many ways to access it. It is abstinence-focused, and designed to be compatible with a variety of other treatment resources. The program’s philosophy emphasizes positivity, practicality, and staying focused on the present. Group participants share understanding, advice, and encouragement.

Why Is Medication for AUD Underutilized?

This means that the brain and body have become so accustomed to having the substance present that without it, they can’t function properly. The brain and body need time to return to functioning without the substance. Medical support can help keep you safe and as comfortable as possible during the detox process. As explained and elaborated on by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, relapse prevention is the main goal of all addiction treatment.

Getting Sober Without Attending Alcoholics Anonymous

  • After all, you can’t hang around your drug dealer or old drinking buddies and expect to remain sober for very long.
  • There are many more interventions that may be used to help you recover from substance misuse.
  • What’s more, some people recover with no method at all—contrary to popular belief.
  • Today I have meaning and purpose in my everyday life which is more fulfilling, including writing, expressing myself, living well, eating well, and having meaningful relationships.
  • In these programs, it’s customary to receive plastic chips as you progress to the one-year mark, at which time you receive a bronze coin.

A 2002 study with 279 people compared AA or similar 12-step programs with other forms of psychosocial treatment. Researchers found that 24% of AA or 12-step participants remained fully getting sober without aa abstinent from alcohol after 12 months (2). WFS uses 13 acceptance statements to support its “New Life” Program that asks members to focus their energies on positivity over negativity.

  • Support groups provide a safe haven for those who seek abstinence as a way of life.
  • SOS hosts both online and physical face-to-face meetings to help people overcoming any form of addiction, from behavioral addictions to drug and alcohol addictions.
  • These groups focus less on the spiritual aspect of recovery and more heavily on an individual’s ability to find recovery within themselves.
  • Then, I enrolled in outpatient treatment so I could work towards sorting out my past trauma and self-hate.
  • These might be more in line with your personal beliefs or goals.

Alternatives to AA for Recovery

For many years, the accepted options were to send folks to 30-day inpatient treatment or told them to go to AA. But there are other options, and as a society, we’re beginning to accept that those other options work. There are endless options to try for support and guidance if you’d struggling with alcohol. Start by talking to a doctor to make sure it is safe for you to go through withdrawal without medical care, and create a list of people to call just in case. If you think you can stick with it, creating a tapering schedule and gradually reducing how much you drink is usually the best approach. If you plan to quit cold turkey (all at once), make sure you are well-stocked with everything you’ll need for the week—withdrawal can make you feel very ill.

getting sober without aa

Finally, treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD) isn’t limited to the 12 steps. The hope is that you will be ready to resume daily life after treatment, manage stressors and triggers, and stay sober for the long term. The reality is that many situations can make it hard to reintegrate into normal life without some hiccups and potential for relapse. Aftercare programs make it easier to remain in recovery and avoid returning to substance use. Just as no one treatment plan fits all people, no one treatment plan may be suitable for the entire time you are in a formal treatment program. If you’re having the thought that you want to get sober and want to know how to get clean, there’s probably already an underlying motivation.

getting sober without aa

Read on to learn about alternative support groups to help you maintain your sobriety. If you don’t want to quit alcohol completely, or have had too much trouble staying 100% sober in the past, harm reduction might be a helpful approach for you. Alcoholics Anonymous, and many older treatment programs, emphasize total abstinence from drinking as the only solution.

getting sober without aa

Free Alternatives to AA

Medication-Assisted Treatment

getting sober without aa

How Long Does it Take to Feel the Effects of Not Drinking?

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